
saving money on your business travels

Come Along, Fido! Four Things To Do For A Pet-Friendly Vacation

For many pet owners, their pets are members of the family. It only makes sense to have furry family members come along when you take a trip. Before setting off, do these three things to ensure your pets and your family have a fun trip.

1. Select Transportation for Your Pet

Your transportation options vary based on the size of your pet, your budget, and your personal preferences.

For example, if you want to take the train to your destination, some companies permit you to take your small dog or cat for a small fee. Weight restrictions governing what is considered "small" vary, but 20 pounds or less is a common guideline.

Flying is another alternative to get your pet to your destination, but the procedures vary based on the size of your pet. In order for your pet to fly in the cabin of the plane, the carrier must completely fit underneath the seat of the airplane.

This eliminates in-cabin flight for large pets. Most large pets must be checked and will ride in the area with other checked items. If you have to go this route, investigate the conditions where the checked pets ride. Make sure that the area is air conditioned and has an ample supply of oxygen.

You can also drive to your destination. Many dog owners like this choice because they can stop as needed for walks and breaks. However, this alternative isn't viable for long trips.

2. Get Your Pet's Vaccines Up to Date

Before traveling, inquire as to what vaccines are required for the area you are heading. Aside from the regular recommended vaccines, there may be additional shots that are recommended or required.

After getting the shots, make sure to get a few copies of their vaccination records. This helps you prove that your pet has all of its shots during your journey.

3. Find Pet-Friendly Lodging

When searching for pet-friendly lodging, be prepared to ask questions. Ask how may pets are permitted per room, what pet fees are required, and if there are any breed restrictions.

As you browse through potential options, search for pet-friendly features, such as nearby dog parks, walking trails, and fenced-in patio areas. If you have an elderly dog that struggles with stairs, look for hotels with an elevator. These small details make a difference for your canine companion.

4. Prepare for the Trip

Before the trip, have a test run. Make sure your pet is comfortable in its carrier for extended periods. If driving, head out and see how your pet does. Some pets get overly anxious or irritable; some may even get car sick. You can ask your vet to prescribe appropriate medication to make the trip easier for your pet.

Traveling with your pet feels a bit daunting. By learning the ins and outs of pet-friendly travel, you are on your way to a terrific vacation for all members of your family. For more information, contact local professionals like The Baker House 1650.

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saving money on your business travels

Do you spend a lot of time traveling for business? If you travel a lot for business, you could be spending more than you need to on hotels. Do you know if the hotels that you choose offer any discounts for multiple stays? Could you actually save on the cost of the hotel by staying an extra day or arriving a day earlier? My website is filled with tips that can help you save money during your business travels. You can learn how to save on the cost of your meals and the accommodations that are needed to be well rested and ready to work while you are away.

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